Here’s the One Question I Hope You’ll Ask Yourself Today

It’s a new year, so people all over the world have been busy making resolutions, promises, pledges, and solemn oaths so they can somehow do better — and be better — in 2021.
I’ve got nothing against the age-old tradition of making resolutions that start on January 1st (and, ahem, are usually forgotten around the 15th …). And I’m all for creating “guardrails” to keep us on track and help us reach our personal and professional goals. Yet I recently heard something that made me think there’s might be a simpler approach. During a Mastermind conference call, my friend Yanush asked the group one fascinating, juicy, brilliant question:
What will cause you to fall more deeply in love with your life?
The question reminded me of motivational speaker Jim Rohn’s famous statement that we’re the average of the five people with whom we spend the most time. Rohn’s theory is that this select group shapes everything from how we think and feel about ourselves to how we see the world and even the way we make decisions. This inner circle also helps us stretch and imagine things for ourselves that we didn’t know were possible.
Whether or not this theory is scientifically proven, it rings true. So even though I know you’re very busy swearing off sugar and gluten and swearing onto daily meditation and strengthening your core, today I’m inviting you to pause for a few moments. Find a quiet space out in your backyard or in nature. Close your eyes. Take some deep breaths. Then ask yourself,
What will cause me to fall more deeply in love with my life?
What and who do I want more of in my life? What (or who) do I need less of? What do I need in order to feel connected and supported? To feel valued, appreciated, and loved?
Take time coming up with your answer. As your thoughts percolate and evolve, I hope that answering this question feels like a gift, one that only you can give yourself.
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Candra Canning is the founder of Live Bright Now. She’s been coaching corporate leaders + teams to brighten their performance for 20 years. Candra believes a bright company culture creates bright leaders + bright communities — even a brighter world.